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Boost your online presence by placing your ads at the top of Google’s search results.

Your potential clients are actively seeking your products and services online at this very moment. The key question is: will they find their way to your website? The probability of this happening significantly increases if your business ranks high in the search results on Google and other search engines. While long-term success is achieved through Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which requires sustained effort, Google Ads (formerly AdWords) offers a more immediate solution, albeit short-term in nature. If you’re looking to drive traffic to your website promptly and put your business in front of potential customers right away, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is the way to go. With PPC, you only incur costs when a user lands on your website or designated landing page, poised for you to convert them into customers. Although PPC campaigns can be intricate, our PPC agency specializes in managing them, handling all the complexities on your behalf. By subscribing to one of our PPC packages, we’ll manage your PPC campaigns, continuously refining and optimizing them to enhance your cost per click and increase the number of users clicking on your ads. We understand that this might sound overwhelming, but fear not, we’re here to simplify it all for you. How does this translate for Prabisha Consulting and what’s the mechanism behind it? Let us break it down for you.


PPC, or paid search, enables you to bid for the visibility of your advertisements or products when users perform specific searches. This allows you to promptly direct the right audience to your website. Increased website traffic enhances the likelihood of generating sales. Through our paid search management packages, we assist in pinpointing the search terms that attract the most suitable audience to your website. Various pricing models are available, and we’ll collaborate with you to determine your monthly budget, subsequently setting bids that enable Google to determine when and where to display your ad. Higher bids result in better placement and more frequent ad displays to users conducting the specified search. Naturally, the process involves additional complexities, such as considering landing page experience and expected click-through rates to ensure a high “quality score” for your ads. However, as your PPC agency, we handle all of this and offer guidance as needed.

heading dots

We’ll either evaluate and manage your existing PPC management account and campaigns or if none exist, our team will create them from scratch. This guarantees that we’re bidding appropriately on the relevant search terms, thereby optimizing your budget. We’ll craft compelling ad copy, including headlines and descriptions, to maximize click-through rates. Primarily focusing on Google Search Ads, text-based advertisements will appear prominently at the top of search pages. Each month, we’ll furnish you with a detailed report showcasing traffic generated by each ad, associated costs, and the number of conversions obtained.

Commencing your PPC journey is simple and swift. Explore the monthly PPC packages below, featuring our agency pricing models, to determine the option best suited to your requirements.

We are always available to discuss our PPC services. Together, we can determine which package best suits your business needs and work towards enhancing your online visibility. Let’s schedule a meeting soon to discuss boosting your online presence.

How do PPC Packages Operate?

Choose the right PPC package for you


£ 49.00
  • Keyword research
  • Single campaign
  • Multiple keyword ad groups
  • Analytics & tracking set-up
  • Write ad copy & implement
  • Ad copy variations
  • 1 hour monitoring & optimisation
  • Add negative keywords
  • Campaign split testing
  • Landing page recommendations
  • Key account management
  • Monthly report


£ 49.00
  • Keyword research
  • Single campaign
  • Multiple keyword ad groups
  • Analytics & tracking set-up
  • Write ad copy & implement
  • Ad copy variations
  • 1.5 hour monitoring & optimisation
  • Add negative keywords
  • Campaign split testing
  • Landing page recommendations
  • Key account management
  • Monthly report


£ 49.00
  • Keyword research
  • Single campaign
  • Multiple keyword ad groups
  • Analytics & tracking set-up
  • Write ad copy & implement
  • Ad copy variations
  • 2 hour monitoring & optimisation
  • Add negative keywords
  • Campaign split testing
  • Landing page recommendations
  • Key account management
  • Monthly report


£ 49.00
  • Keyword research
  • Single campaign
  • Multiple keyword ad groups
  • Analytics & tracking set-up
  • Write ad copy & implement
  • Ad copy variations
  • 3 hour monitoring & optimisation
  • Add negative keywords
  • Campaign split testing
  • Landing page recommendations
  • Key account management
  • Monthly report